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What Equipment Do I Need To Stream My Show?To stream a show you need the following - One camera or more (depending on how many camera angles you want to show viewers) - A Computer with Wirecast software installed (This is also know as a encoider/Video & Audio switcher/ Video&Audio Mixer) - A stable secure Internet Connection of perferablly 8 Mbps or more in UPLOAD speed (test your connection speed at - Capture card (takes the live feed of a camera and puts it into your computer) - HD SDI Cables or HDMI Cables (Connects camera to the captuer card) - A connction to a sound source (either connect to a sound board or a external mic) IF you would like some examples of Tried and True streaming setups with ditalied specs on each item the check out the example setups doc in the producer docs section
How do I get my show on TiltedGlobeRegister as a producer at the link below TiltedGlobe Producer Registration You will need a valid EIN NUMBER and your company name and address to register Upon completing registration login and click ADD SHOW on your home page and fill out the neccessary show info For Show info you will need the minimum of - Show name - Show Discription - Date and Time - A thumbnail or picture for your show Once you submit your show info it will be reviewd by a admin for acceptance and then posted for sale. You can now start testing your streaming conncetion and your show quality
What is PRO's and what does TiltedGlobe coverPRO's are the publishing rights for a artist to play a song which someone wrote (i.e. The written work not a recording, recordings are a diffrent copyright which you must obtain yourself). They must be paid even is the artist performing the song is also the person who wrote it. With the exception of a few select songs most are filed and held within the ASCAP, SESAC, and BMI libraries TiltedGlobe pays blanket licenses to cover any songs performed on the TiltedGlobe platform that fall within the ASCAP SESAC, and BMI Libraries just as you would find the venue doing if you performed at a venue. If the song that you want to perform is not in the ASCAP, SESAC, or BMI libraries or if you wish to perform the song with a dramatic work (i.e. Theatre performace, Dance, then you will have to seek out the writer and get permission to perform the song.
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